About Us

Flavors flooded with freshness

The city of Capri is known for its deeply rooted culture, spreading out to antiquity, and its cuisine known for the richness kneaded into it, while the city of Mexico, known for its tanginess and for bringing on the heat with its cuisine. And Capri Wings brings to you the confluence of the two in the best way possible.
Taking its inspiration from a variety of cuisines, with bonafide flavors and a plethora of options to choose from, it is our ultimate priority to ensure that no matter what you choose, you savor an enriching experience of a hearty meal. At Capri Wings, we let our food do the talking, from handmade pasta to the classic quesadilla, our menu has widest variety of options to appetise your cravings.


We at Capri Wings believe in preserving the environment, and have ensured that our packaging is eco friendly. We have joined the movement to remove plastics altogether, to ensure that the environment is not hampered.